While visiting Columbus this weekend, we finished dinner and had to decide where we were going to have dessert. I fully expected to be hit with the "Hey let's go to Graeter's!" reply. Instead I got "Let's go to Jeni's."
Jeni's? What's this Jeni's stuff. More importantly, when did she move to Columbus?
I have a pretty good handle on what goes on in Columbus' food front. This, however, just broad sided me. I had initially thought it was this place that was in Worthington (which I didn't like). Josh said they had one in Grandview and Short North. Well this weekend was Comfest. There was no way in hell I was going to Short North. So off to Grandview we went.
Let me start by saying the line was out the door, albeit a short one, out the door nonetheless. From my view on the sidewalk it appeared to be the best decorated ice cream parlor interior I'd ever seen. With milk bottle lights, modern color schemes, and well tied together concept the outward appearence was very smart. It reminded me a lot of Capagiro in Philadelphia, but even nicer.
The line actually moved pretty fast. So I get inside and take a look at the flavors. Hmmmm. Thai Chili? Reisling Poached Pear Sorbet? Coriander Rasberry? Maker's Mark Buttered Pecan? C'mon, man. How do you come up with Maker's Mark Buttered Pecan? Well, that was it. That's what I was getting. After paying we all went outside with our booty and dug in. I can say that it was a very, very creamy ice cream. I could definitely taste the bourbon in the ice cream, but it was strangely tasty. It's like when Andrew Zimmerman bites into {insert animal}'s testicle and says, "Very nice! You wouldn't think it would be that good, but it really tasty!" It was surprisingly tasty. Columbus really does have some good ice cream places like Graeter's, Jeni's, Brewster's.
Jeni's? What's this Jeni's stuff. More importantly, when did she move to Columbus?
I have a pretty good handle on what goes on in Columbus' food front. This, however, just broad sided me. I had initially thought it was this place that was in Worthington (which I didn't like). Josh said they had one in Grandview and Short North. Well this weekend was Comfest. There was no way in hell I was going to Short North. So off to Grandview we went.
Let me start by saying the line was out the door, albeit a short one, out the door nonetheless. From my view on the sidewalk it appeared to be the best decorated ice cream parlor interior I'd ever seen. With milk bottle lights, modern color schemes, and well tied together concept the outward appearence was very smart. It reminded me a lot of Capagiro in Philadelphia, but even nicer.
The line actually moved pretty fast. So I get inside and take a look at the flavors. Hmmmm. Thai Chili? Reisling Poached Pear Sorbet? Coriander Rasberry? Maker's Mark Buttered Pecan? C'mon, man. How do you come up with Maker's Mark Buttered Pecan? Well, that was it. That's what I was getting. After paying we all went outside with our booty and dug in. I can say that it was a very, very creamy ice cream. I could definitely taste the bourbon in the ice cream, but it was strangely tasty. It's like when Andrew Zimmerman bites into {insert animal}'s testicle and says, "Very nice! You wouldn't think it would be that good, but it really tasty!" It was surprisingly tasty. Columbus really does have some good ice cream places like Graeter's, Jeni's, Brewster's.
What I like about the whole experience is that you have someone who has really thought out the flavors they have put together. In most cases you go to an ice cream shop and it's pretty much the same flavors with slight alterations. At this place you're really trying some unique combinations that go well together. Not just being different for the sake of being different. In terms of ice cream this just might be the most unique thing I've seen. But don't take my word for it, if you're in town try it. It's a pretty unique experience.